Sex has ruined many marriages because the couple does not communicate their sex life sincerely to each other.

You’ve got to understand that one of the factors that influence sex, as well as other things that might be considered minute in marriage, is temperament.

Your temperament is the control force of your actions and inactions. For instance, your wife is predominantly melancholy; the weaknesses of the character will play in all spheres of her life even up to her sex life. This set of people is the least to initiate sex because of their introverted nature and they are hard to please in everything.

They are faultfinder, critical, and sometimes possessive. They might long for sex but they won’t initiate or communicate it verbally but their non-verbal cues will show that they want sex. Also, they crave satisfaction though they won’t communicate it verbally, unlike the choleric, who are outspoken. When making love to a melancholic wife, look for non-verbal cues and treat them as they surface.

You won’t struggle to identify them if you have a bit of a sense of social psychology. Also, don’t marry a melancholic if you’re one. The marriage is going to be boring because you and your wife will be craving love and attention from each other but non will give or receive it became of the inadequacies of the temperament.
It might throw up issues that can’t be reconciled which might eventually destroy the marriage in the long run.

However, temperament plays a critical role in one’s behavioral pattern, even up to his way of doing business, communication, eating and sleeping habits, etc.

Get to know your temperament and your wife’s inside out and you’ll be shocked to know that many of the things you and she have been doing which bring quarrels in the marriage aren’t deliberate but fueled by your temperaments. Then the two of you will develop a capacity to make up for one’s shortcomings, irrespective of how they appear. It will further deepen your bonding, and also create an avenue for genuine love and affection for each other to sail through the storms of your marriage.