Genital Herpes: The Deadly Infectious Disease That Is More Dangerous Than HIV/AIDS


Earlier this year, I had a call from one of my friends who told me about his health experience. According to him, he observed that something like blisters was coming out of his Penis and he had spent a lot of money on treatment without any Solution.

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I, however, demanded to see him assess and know what could be the problem.
When he came, through physical examination and history taking, I discovered it was Genital Herpes, which he contracted through unprotected Sexual intercourse.
I immediately reassured him to allay the fear that it will be managed but one fact is certain genital Herpes has no cure.

Below are some facts about Genital Herpes.

1. It’s a Sexually transmitted infection.
2. It has no cure, though it can be managed with antiviral drugs.
3. It is a chronic health condition that can last for years.
4. It can affect both males and females.

5. It is a viral infection caused by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV).

It is very dangerous for pregnant women as it Causes Blindness, Brain damage, and Death to the newborn baby.
7. To prevent Genital Herpes avoid unprotected Sexual intercourse including oral, and anal sex and kissing.

Most importantly, SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS According to World Health Organization (WHO) Oral herpes infection is mostly asymptomatic, but symptoms can include painful blisters or open sores (ulcers) in or around the mouth (cold sores). Infected persons will often experience a tingling, itching, or burning sensation around their mouth before the appearance of sores. Also, the Ulcer can appear on the face, body, and Genital regions.

In summary, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), An estimated 3.7 billion people under age 50 (67%) have HSV-1 infection globally.

Also, An estimated 491 million people aged 15–49 (13%) worldwide have HSV-2 infection.
Hence the need to protect yourself against this deadly infection.
If I may ask, How would you feel as a mother or father to have a child born with Genital Herpes as a result of your negligence?

If you experience any of the signs and symptoms discussed earlier go for a medical check-up and commence treatment immediately to reduce the risks of this deadly infectious disease as this will help protect public health and preserve the future of your children.