UN reaffirms its commitment to help Nigeria at the 77-anniversary celebration

On this day 24th October, 77 years ago, the united nation charter establishing the united nations was ratified. With that in mind, the united nations office of residents and humanitarian coordinator commemorates the day in Nigeria. Reaffirming the support for Nigeria in ending all forms of unrest and the impact of climate change.

The united nation was established after the 2nd world war for three main reasons; to promote international peace and security, to promote the well-being of the people, and to promote good relations among member states.
They are two resident coordinators acknowledging the challenges in maintaining peace around the world. He is also concerned about Nigeria which is still battling an insurgency and other criminal acts by non-state actors. He calls on all players to put an end to all forms of suffering.

” On this day, this year, we the people of the united nation reaffirm our commitment to the organization’s ideas and values and renew our mission to secure peace and prosperity for the member state.

To commemorate the day at the UN headquarters, students from some private secondary schools were invited to learn more about the united nation as its different agencies held an exhibition. The exhibition presented an opportunity for the students to ask questions.

With the challenge of flooding in the country, the UN says it is collaborating with NEMA the implementing the disaster risk management plan as it could lead to other outbreaks of waterborne diseases such as cholera.

UN says it will continue to ensure poverty is reduced and livelihood improved as diseases strive where poverty is present.

Insecurity and national disaster most especially floods are this time the major challenge Nigeria is grappling with and the united nation has used this day to also reaffirm its commitment to help Nigeria overcome the challenge.

So far, 193 member states have made huge progress since 1954 when the united nation was established. ” We are at the forefront in terms of setting the agenda and also making sure that the challenges around peace and security, humanitarian needs are upholding international laws and sustaining our development goals”.

”We are moving the agenda very much forward that is not to say that there are no challenges. We have had huge challenges since the establishment of the united nation such as Covid, I think the UN has bonded together to respond in the most rapid way possible to vaccinate all women, men, and also adolescents.

If there is any country or region that is left behind, our work is not yet finished, so there is still quite a lot we have to do. we will continue to work with the government and communities to find solutions and eradicate extreme poverty and climate change.