ICT affects our everyday lives in many ways. These range from the effects of UCT on society in general, such as changes in types and styles of employment, to the convenience that it offers the individual, through services such as online banking, shopping, and movie rentals.

In addition to providing new opportunities, ICT has introduced its problems such as software copyright, security issues, and also health and safety.


Software is also protected by copyright law in much the same way as music CDs, film DVDs, and articles from magazines and books are protected. Certain rules must be obeyed when software is supplied on CD or DVD and even when it’s downloaded. When a person downloads software, that person has a choice of either agreeing or disagreeing with the terms and conditions of using the software. Only upon agreement is one able to fully use the software. This is a legal document, and users must abide by the rules.


Software costs developers a great deal of time and effort to create. This is a big issue amongst software companies. How would you feel if someone tried to steal something you have worked so hard on?

The software can be protected from piracy in the following ways: Serial Numbers, Holograms, and Licensing Agreements.


These are unauthorized activities intended to compromise digital devices, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, and even entire networks. Although, some companies will employ people to ‘hack’ into their system as a way to test the security of their system. I do not call this hacking since it is authorized by the company. Hacking can be prevented by the use of a Firewall, Encryption, Robust IDs, and passwords. ENCRYPTION does not prevent hackers from entering your computer they just make your data unreadable and useless to the hacker.


With the development of the personal computer (PC) was developed in the early 1980s, computers have evolved from being huge and expensive machines to personal gadgets that can be owned by small businesses. Now PCs are found on almost every desk in every office, all over the world. Computer power has led many to experience radical changes within the workplace. Manufacturing jobs and entire companies have shifted because of access to cheap, reliable computing power.

The usage of computers in companies and businesses has increased significantly within the last 30 years. The benefits that computer bring to businesses is just too hard for the owners to ignore.

Before computers, lots of workers were needed to run a business but now, one person and a computer can do the job of many office workers. For example, Robots are now used in many car production lines.

ICT has also increased employment. Increased usage of computers has also created new jobs that didn’t previously exist. The computing industry is one of the largest and fastest-growing job sectors in the world.


Although using a computer is not a taxing and difficult job, some health challenges can arise if the user is not a checkmate.

There are some health problems that you can suffer if you use ICT devices incorrectly or for too long. The main ones are Repetitive Strain Injury, Back and Neck problems, Eye strain, and headaches.

REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY: Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is caused by repeated use of a particular part of the body, such as your shoulder, forearm, elbow, wrist, or hand over a long period. Computer users who type and use a mouse all day long are commonly affected. RS1 causes damage to muscles, tendons, and nerves from repetitive motions. Sufferers with really bad RSI are unable to use their hands at all.

BACK AND NECK PROBLEMS: Backache and neck aches can cause great pain and affect the quality of life. Both back and neck aches can be caused by excessive use of computers.

EYE STRAIN AND HEADACHES: Staring at a computer screen for too long can eye strain and headaches.


When using a computer, several dangers can physically harm you. Physical safety in computing is all about ensuring that you do not suffer any harm whilst working with computers. Several physical safety issues can arise from using ICT devices.

Some of these safety issues include:

ELECTROCUTION: Most ICT devices require an electrical power source. Whenever you have electrical power sources you run the risk of electrocution.

FIRES: ICT devices require power from a mains outlet. If too many devices are plugged into a single main at the same time it is possible to overload the circuit and start an electrical fire

You need to ensure that your room has many plug sockets so you don’t have to overload any single one.

TRIPPING OVER WIRES: ICT devices with wires can make a room a potential hazard.

Trailing wires are easy to trip over if they are not secured or tucked away. Tripping over wires can lead to falling to the ground and breaking bones, ligament strains, etc.

HEAVY EQUIPMENT FALLING: Some ICT devices are fairly heavy and can cause injury if they fall on you. Equipment should be positioned securely on strong desks and tables well away from the edge