Unfortunately, many Nigerians will not care to read this 80-page document due to one bias or another.

I’ll however beg as many as are capable of reading to study this unique document in our nation’s history. I’ll like to enlist below a few bullet points from the ideas that are capable of transforming the future of our dear nation.

Before I go ahead I’ll like to say that I’m not under any illusion to think that Tinubu or any other person is a Messiah. He might not be a Messiah but I believe if this document is implemented even to 50%, then Nigeria will be steadily placed on the path to greatness.

My 10 bullet points from Tinubu’s RENEWED HOPE 2023, APC ACTION PLAN MANIFESTO.

1. I like the confidence that Asiwaju exudes, it’s very clear that this document isn’t a copy-and-paste job as most other political parties do.

You can almost physically feel the burden and passion of Asiwaju as you read through his various proposed solutions.

2. The national security solutions ideas are great: The idea of Anti-Terrorist Battalions, technologically based solutions to insecurity, revitalization of Ranger and Forest Guard Force, community policing, border security through technology, disengagement of the Police from VIP security and empowering them to function better to the society, etc.

3. Build an economy based on the youth, instead of on oil. Train the youth in IT and digital economy, agriculture, entertainment, entrepreneurship, and manufacturing, such that the economy could average a 10% GDP growth rate a year.

He wants to give 20% of all political appointments to the youth under 40 years old.

He wants to raise 2 million youth entrepreneurs who will volunteer to help train other youths in business enterprises. In this same spirit, women are also promised a pivotal place.

4. I believe that the trump card of Tinubu’s economic transformation will be his bold fiscal and monetary policy.

Another great economic mind in the person of Tope Fasua in his writings has been writing and clamoring for fiscal reform in the Nigerian economy for about a decade now. I’m sure Mr. Fasua would appreciate this document.

If you want to see in your mind what Tinubu is capable of doing with the Nigerian economy please read his book, “Financial: water from an empty well”. Another strong point is his view on Tax, he recorded success with his tax policy in Lagos.

Tinubu’s idea of introducing a mortgage system to ordinary citizens for cars, houses, and especially student loans will completely revolutionize our economy.

He also plans to bring about a restructuring of the country’s revenue allocation between the federal government and state government.

5. The plan to increase cultivated land in Nigeria to 65% of the arable land mass from the present 35% could make Nigeria a global food hub.

6. A serious determination to diversify electricity generation using off-grid sources through coal, solar, hydro, and other sustainable energy.

Tinubu wants Nigeria to compete with Russia in gas production and supply. He plans to use technology to combat the theft of our raw materials like gas, oil, and other natural resources.

7. Tinubu wants to completely revolutionize the transport system. I’m especially impressed by his plan to build a metro system in every state capital, which will be connected to rail lines across the nation.

He wants to develop maritime inland waterways across the country. Especially making sure ports are developed in the eastern and southern regions of our nation.

These ideas alone if implemented could bring back our citizens from the western world back home. It could take our nation to the league of developed nations.

8. Tinubu wants to computerize every classroom in Nigerian schools and higher institutions, return history classes to schools, retrain all teachers, and develop new curriculum and accreditation standards that all schools will be required to follow.

Emphasized technical and vocational training centers for industrial, robotics, technological, and entrepreneurial growth.

9. Tinubu wants to build a clinic within 30 minutes of People’s homes, and provide health insurance, especially to the most vulnerable.

He wants to raise the money to implement this from taxes on tobacco, and alcoholic products. He even has a place for mental health patients and victims of drug addiction in his manifesto.

10. Tinubu is determined that Nigeria won’t miss out on the next industrial revolution and wants to create at least one million ICT specialists within 24 months of coming to office, so these people will help to fast-track digital economic development in the country.

He also wants to expand broadband spread to 90% of Nigerian internet services by 2025. He talks about the new terminologies of the tech world like blockchains, crypto assets, digital currency, etc

I have watched some criticisms coming from some Nigerian journalists on how Tinubu plans to do all these things. I wonder if they read the full document because this is a complete departure from all other standard political manifestos.

This particular document is full of “hows” instead of just promises. I see a bright future for Nigeria if what is written here is brought to life.

May Nigeria Succeed And May All Her Haters Live Long To Witness It.

For The Love Of God, Church, And Nation
Dr. Sunday Adelaja
Kyiv, Ukraine.